Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Heart Day.

I just love Valentine's Day. Pink+Chocolate+Cupcakes+A Day Dedicated to Being Sweet = Amazing.

Em got to come in today with me for a bit and spend time with my firsties. They just love her! And she loves watching everything they do (FYI: first graders are  crazy funny)

My class had a cupcake fundraiser last week, and we delivered them today. Over 1,100 cupcakes.. with $1,500 dollars raised going to Cystic Fibrosis Research. Woo!  The most amazing part? I only ate 2 cupcakes. True story.

Now I'm at home drinking hot cocoa (wait.. 2 cupcakes and 100 chocolates weren't enough?) and having some sweet family time. I still can't believe she's ours. I can't believe that we are lucky enough to get to watch her grow up .. and that some day she'll be a crazy First Grader making a monster valentine box and giving little valentines to her friends.

Ahhh. Just had a moment. Life is oh so sweet.

This Monster LOVES Valentines.


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