Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pretty New Headbands on PrettyLittleElm

Hey Friends!

Wow. We've been spending all week trying to catch up from the weekend and Em's first birthday bash! And when I say we.. I really just mean {I}. Please don't judge but we still have half of Em's decorations hanging up.. I can't help it. POMS make me smile. :)

Now that Em's party is over.. I've had some time to add some brand new headbands to the shop! I would LOVE to hear what you think! xo.

Based on my current color choices.. I Clearly have one thing on my mind and that is S.U.M.M.E.R.

Check back in for my {breakdown} of Em's First Birthday Treat Table! I can't wait to share all of the D.I.Y sweet treats.

Hope you all are having a wonderful week! xoxo.

{Let's follow each other on instagram! brittmarie14}

Mint - My Favorite. 
Lavender & Gold

Headband {DUO} Deal


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